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Forgive, For Heaven’s Sake
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We’ve all been there.
We’ve all heard of the same saying more than we care to admit ‘Let bygones be bygones’, ‘Experience is the best teacher’, ‘Forgiving is hard but it’s healthy’, or ‘Leettt it goooooooo’.
They’re all cliche, I know, but you’ll reach a point in your life whereby you’d think to carry around all that hatred and need for revenge is too a heavy burden.
ON TOP OF THAT, it’s a burden you CAN let go of. There’s an option of letting it go. Sometimes, we just don’t know how to and end up feeling stuck with that negative emotion.
Forgiving someone whom you think has wronged you or hurt you is hard work, that much we have to acknowledge, admit and accept. Don’t we all wish there was a panacea solution, a magical formula or, at the very least, a pill we can pop?